What is the Police Officer to Entrepreneur Programme? | Shifts to Success

A great question we get at Shifts to Success is: What is the Police Officer to Entrepreneur programme?

Well the Police Officer to Entrepreneur programme is an accelerator designed to accelerate and transition you into business and entrepreneurship.

Now There are six key areas that successful companies develop – Ideas, Planning, Branding, Implementation, Products & Sales.

We cover and implement these key steps with you, over the course of the year long programme with some of the UK’s top business mentors and coaches, in their perspective area of expertise.

Our objective is to help ensure you build a business correctly, doing the right things so that you can gain results much faster in your business than if you were to go alone, saving you time, money and energy.

Upon starting your programme with your cohort, you will gain access to resources such as:

  • 9 Live Masterclass Workshops

Where, you will have the opportunity to spend a day with each of the shifts to success team of mentors as well as your fellow cohort, in each of the six key steps of building a business, plus additional workshops to help accelerate your business progression.It’ss a chance for you to gain feedback on your ideas, learn about today’s best practice but also things not to do in business. You will receive a full mentoring experience leaving each masterclass, refreshed, energised, focused and with complete clarity on what you should be doing next within your business.

On your ideas masterclass which is one of our first workshops, we will delve deep into your business idea and if we believe your idea isn’t great or could need too much start-up capital, we will let you know and work with you to get a better idea in place.


  • Our next resource is: Our online learning portal

The online portal is not like anything you have experienced in the police service. It is a resource which allows you to watch videos so you can learn in depth in each of our modules, you can complete tasks, download key templates and business assets, add comments to engage with members of your cohort and Police Officer to Entrepreneur Community, gain access to 1-1 business coaching and you can watch all previous breakthrough webinars from various Cohorts.

The online portal also covers everything you will learn on your live masterclass workshops, plus much more.

  • Next our Breakthrough Webinars


Our highly exclaimed breakthrough webinars are held in-between each of your live masterclass workshops. These webinars are a chance for you to gain feedback, remove any blockages including your mindset or simply want to know what to do next in regards to your business.

One of the Shifts to Success team will bring you on live to the webinar so you can get a unique mentoring and coaching experience from the questions you have sent in at least 24hours before the webinar is due to start.

Another benefit to these breakthrough webinars is that because they are live, you will get to share each webinar with the Police officer to Entrepreneur community. So not only does everyone get to learn from your question & answer session, but you will also learn from theirs. These breakthrough webinars also ensure you keep up the momentum in between you live masterclass workshops.


  • Next The Police Officer to Entrepreneur Secret Group


This secret Facebook group is where you will join your Cohort and previous Cohorts in a safe, private and secure group. The purpose of this community is to share your personal journey and to connect with others in the community. As well ask any business related questions knowing that you’re in a safe place.

You can share all your wins, your challenges, things you need feedback on or to simply update the community on your progress.

This secret community also has all of the Shifts to Success team within it to help you when needed.

We also have our Shifts to Success ACES, which for now I will explain in another video.

Also, I must say that not every ex or serving police officer can just join this flagship programme, the reason being is that we want like-minded individuals who are going to take action. We want to ensure you’re a right fit for us, just as much as we are a right fit for you.

That is why we would encourage you to attend one of our Success QuickStart days first, so you can meet the team and know the journey you’re about to embark on.

I hope this has answered your question, but if you have any more please do drop them in the comments section below, email me at alex@shiftstosuccess.com or you can apply for the Police Officer to Entrepreneur programme HERE


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