Making Time For Hobbies

When was the last time you enjoyed doing your hobby?

There are 168 hours in a week, you will spend 40 plus hours working away in the job a week, you will spend an average 56 hours sleeping to recover from your tiresome shifts a week which will only leave you 72 hours in the week, to do what you truly want to do. Doesn’t sound great, does it?

Recreational time is important for human development and unfortunately, this was something that was sacrificed when I was working in the police service.

I understand we can all make time for things that have a priority, but after a few long shifts, those activities we love get put on the back burner.

There have been several instances where I have felt so fatigued after my working shifts that I have missed going to the gym and I love going to the gym!

Both from a physical and mental aspect the working environment in the police service can be draining which takes away time from the things we love to do. There are police officer friends who love to go horse riding for example but cannot commit fully and have to outsource just so that the horse doesn’t miss out, because they are so tired from working shifts, especially night shifts.

Also, my friends who are in the job and have children, explain that their family doesn’t get the best of them because they are so tired and recovering from their night shifts, which again takes away precious cherished time away from their family.

Thankfully since being in business, this has now all changed for myself, I train at the gym every single dayI see my friends regularly and I have even started to play golf! (Terribly)

The point I am trying to make is that by building my own successful business it has enabled me to pursue the things I love doing without feeling physically and mentally drained by working shifts.

Police Officers sometimes forget that life is about living and that includes doing the activities and hobbies that make them happy.

I would encourage you to ensure that you do one activity per week to ensure that you are fulfilling your own level of happiness and if you are not, then I would press upon you to make a change, in becoming your own boss and by doing so take back your lives agenda.

Shifts to Success can help you build your very own business from scratch in an industry you enjoy that will accelerate you in achieving financial independence away from the job, which you may have lost love for. If you would like to find out more, then you can do so by clicking here.

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