The Pain of Booking Annual Leave

We all have personal lives, but sometimes the job can forget you actually do especially when you want annual leave.

There have been many instances where I would want to book annual leave so that I could go out with friends, go on a trip with my girlfriend or attend some special event. But unfortunately having a job can ruin those plans.

I remember once I really wanted to go out for my best mate’s birthday. Myself, his girlfriend and my girlfriend wanted to book a nice meal out to have some good food and a couple of drinks after. (Okay maybe not a couple – a few)

We really wanted to do this before my best mate and his girlfriend went away on holiday, as we didn’t get to see each other very much because I was working long unsociable shifts and he was working too.

So, I requested annual leave through our internal system and due to their not being enough staff I wasn’t able to get the time off work. I then tried a few more dates and yet still came up short. I was so frustrated by the whole situation because the job was restricting my life. I couldn’t celebrate my best mate’s birthday with him.

My friends in the police service nationally, still go through the same thing. They want to book annual leave to go on holiday, take the kids somewhere, or whatever they want to do in their personal life and they have to work around the job, to suit the jobs needs. It’s like the job comes first and your life comes second. Madness!

We have one life, one opportunity to do all we can and, yet restrictions placed on officers don’t let them live the life they want. They are forced to “live for their rest days”, just like I did until I turned them into “Success Days”.

Thankfully since being in business, I don’t need to worry about booking annual leave or taking a day off work to spend with my loved ones or go on holiday. I do what I want, when I want, where I want, with whom I want and as much as I want. That’s my definition of success, freedom.

What plans do you have coming up that you know you are going to have to book annual leave for? That you know you can’t book your personal event or activity until the job tells you, you can?

I am a big believer in spontaneity, it changes the dynamic of life and adds excitement. Think about when was the last time that you were spontaneous because chances are it may take you a while to think because you can’t just “get off and go” because you are restricted by a job.

If you think it’s time for a change, to regain control of your life, without restriction and without having to book annual leave, then why not start planning for your future by building your own successful business. Shifts to Success can help you achieve all that. You can click here to find out more.

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