Police Officers Stop Blaming The Government! | Tough Love

“The Tories said austerity was to pay down UK debt. It’s almost, tripled. They said we’re all in this together. The rich have doubled their wealth”

That was a tweet which needs addressing again, as I already wrote about this in my book, Police Officer to Entrepreneur 

Now before I go into this, I can 110% see why many police officers are pissed off at the government…

I can see that you are not valued and you don’t have the resources.

Furthermore, I don’t know if that tweet is from a cop, a firefighter, a nurse or a teacher… But let’s assume, you reading this right now, wrote that tweet and let me ask you a question regarding that tweet….

What are you going to do about it? Complain, complain and complain?!

With the 10 years of austerity we have had, how has that worked for you?

Unfortunately, relying on the government to make a change for your life, is a huge thinking mistake. In fact, it is a huge epic fail!

No one, but you is going to come and change your life for the better and complaining about how bad the job is, how your life is, how the government has screwed you over, isn’t going to change jack shit!

In fact, it’s only going to make you feel bitter and resentful, it has no positive outcome unless you grab your own life by the balls and start taking action to change it.

Iv’e been there, I used to blame my mum, my dad, my teachers, my peer group for the way my life used to be… It changes nothing and it’s completely the wrong way to think, if you want freedom and success.

You see, now and then I get people stating building a business and relying on yourself is risky and I always think to myself,  ‘what and that getting your life dictated by a faceless organisation or government that dictates and can change your destiny isn’t?’

Now whether the tweet is true or not there is another thing I want to touch on…

What is wrong with the rich getting richer? You know why they get to live life on their terms? Because they don’t look to blame anyone else for how their life is, they own it 110% and the truth is if you want freedom beyond the job, being paid your worth, you too need to realise that blaming someone else is the wrong way to think.

Now, I agree, police officers and staff should be paid way more, and better supported, but waiting for a change like this, is bonkers, you are literally ticking down your life clock and for what?! With the hope a government will dramatically change things to support you?! Hope isn’t a good strategy!

You can either carry on doing the same old things and play the blame game or actually make some moves that will give you the things you want in life. The choice is yours, but one thing that won’t give you the things you want is complaining.

People never seem to blame themselves for their failures, it’s the economy, it’s the Tories, it’s the prime minister, it’s my supervisor…

Now let’s think about this, If you wake up tomorrow morning and blame your failure on something or someone else, well you have no reason to change do you?!  It’s their fault, why should you change.

But if you woke up in the morning, looked yourself in the mirror and said to yourself, “I am failing because of me, the decisions I make, the lack of action or inaction I take”… You will change, and your life will change… Because no one likes thinking of themselves as the reason they are a failure.

The truth is if you are unhappy with how your life is in the job, no one is forcing you to remain in it, no one has got a gun to your head telling you to work 40hours+ a week, missing your family, not being paid your worth and sacrificing your happiness…

As long as you carry on blaming others, you have no motivation to change, so in short, when you own your failures, then you’ll own your success too!

If you’re an ex or serving police officer and would like to find out how you can change your life for the better, then click HERE

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