Family Anniversaries

For those of you who are in a relationship and work within the police service, do you get to spend every anniversary with your partner? Nope, I didn’t either.

Myself and my girlfriend Claire, have been together 7 years and it is quite strange to write this now, but when I was working in the job I spent every year working rather than spending this special day with her.

Because of my shift pattern at the time in the job, it was quite hard to ensure that we could spend our anniversary together. Now to some people, anniversaries are not a big deal, and to be honest, they weren’t a big deal to me personally (Sorry Claire). However, because it is a big deal to her, well it’s a big deal to me. Happy wife, happy life, right?

Well since leaving the job, we now get to spend our anniversaries together, sometimes in a completely different country! Our last anniversary was spent in Rome, Italy and it was so amazing!

We saw the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, the Roman Forum, the Vatican and Palatine Hill (plus a lot more), it was the most amazing anniversary ever and now anniversaries are a big deal to me because each year we have now planned to go away on a city break to see the world. Next, we have Reykjavik in Iceland lined up.

Maybe you are lucky and get to spend your anniversary with your partner or you might be like me and put in annual leave to get the day off but to only get it rejected. Either way, it’s very frustrating. I mean you do not sign up for a relationship to spend special days and moments away from each other, right?!

Well, thankfully this can all change. You do not have to miss all the special days and moments away from your partner. You have a choice.

You can either let your job dictate your relationship and take a risk to see where your relationship ends up or you can regain control of your relationship and ensure you get to spend quality time with your partner, the way you both intended too.

I would love to know what special moments you would love to plan for your partner if you did not have to worry about booking annual leave or working your shifts. Let me know in the comments section below! You might give me some ideas for myself!

You can also find out more about becoming your own boss to regain back your schedule by clicking here

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