We all love treating ourselves. But when was the last time you actually did treat yourself? When was the last time you bought yourself a trip away, a new laptop, golf clubs or a spa day for example?
I don’t know what you are in to, maybe it is one of the above or maybe it isn’t, but whatever it is, isn’t it about time you treated yourself? If so, why have you not yet done it?
Of course, I am being assumptive here but the point I am trying to make is that if you cannot afford to treat yourself to what you want then a change might be needed.
Unfortunately, the police service isn’t a particularly well-paid job, not in comparison to what police officers put themselves through on a daily basis.
Through the Shifts to Success Police Officer Scorecard quiz I have collected over 3000 valuable parts of data and one of the questions that is asked in the quiz is the following:
“Would you like your pay to reflect the value that you give to your work?”
The data is quite shocking, a whopping 97.62% said “Yes“.
You may agree with this result yourself and you may feel undervalued like the people who answered ‘yes’ do.
When asked “Ideally, would you like to improve your income?” on the police officer scorecard quiz 97.65% said “Yes”.
Now for me, when I was working in the police service, I also wanted my pay to reflect the value I gave to the job and I also wanted to improve my income. I like to treat myself and my loved ones, but I knew that if I was always dependent on the salary from the job, I would be waiting a long time.
I remember once I really wanted to buy my girlfriend this bag that she really wanted, but unfortunately, I couldn’t buy it because I just was not earning enough, and I had standard bills to pay. It was really frustrating and to top it off I had to wait for one day of the month before my income replenishes itself.
If you want to start treating yourself and your loved ones more, then you have to take back your financial responsibility. You will then start to feel valued by the money you are actually earning and one way of doing that is by having your own business.
Since being in business myself, I certainly feel valued by my customers and because of this, it makes me happy on a regular basis, not to mention all the benefits of treating myself and my loved ones. When was the last time you thought to yourself “Where can I add value to the police service because they are awesome employers?” Not many right, if at all…
But that’s where being in business stands out, myself and my business associates are always thinking about where we can add value to our customers because they are awesome customers. We feel valued and we reward ourselves.
If you feel like you are not valued in the police service or maybe you just want more income, so you can start treating yourself and your loved ones, then why not make the change and build your own successful business? Just like I did.
If you would like to find out how you can do this click HERE
To your success,