How to Find Work-Life Balance

Hey everyone, it’s Alexander Seery, founder of Shifts to Success. Helping police officers break out, make the change and live their lives.

Now have you ever wondered how to find work-life balance in your life as an entrepreneur, or maybe even starting out as an entrepreneur, when you still have a job? You know you’re working so hard, you’re putting all the effort in, you’re hustling, you’re grinding to ensure your life is going to change in a remarkable way, with freedom and choice away from a mediocre life. But you’re tired and all you seem to be doing is work, work, work! Well I’m going to be giving you one huge secret. Are you ready?

You don’t! You don’t find work-life balance, especially when you have goals to achieve. Again, I don’t want to give you any fluff or bullshit when it comes to your business goals, and I’m sorry to say, balance is bullshit.

 You’ll hear from people all the time, typically from family and friends, or self-help gurus, “Slow down. Have a break. You’ve got to have balance you know.” But this is a wrong thinker mistake. That’s right, I’m telling you not to have balance yet. Do you think Elon Musk had balance? Do you think Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant had balance in their lives? What about Tiger Woods or Serena Williams, or Steve Jobs or Michael Phelps? What about Grant Cardone or Arnold Schwarzenegger, or JK Rowling?

The list could go on, but I’m hoping you get the point by now. If you want to achieve great things in your life, whatever that greatness may be for you, it could be earning six or seven figures, it could be getting more healthy of fit, or getting better relationships, there’s going to have to be an imbalance for you to achieve those things. You’re going to have to give something a priority, and because of this, it doesn’t mean you should have balance.

A big negative if you try and find work-life balance too is that you end up trying to juggle several things at once, and all you end up doing is not making any real progress in anything, meaning that you lose complete focus. If there’s an entrepreneur for example, who works 12 hours a day, and another entrepreneur that works 12 hours a week, which do you think is more likely going to achieve success quicker? Its going to be the entrepreneur who works more than the other on his business. The other one with the imbalance.

In my first company, for the first two years, I worked unbelievably hard, and guess what? I had complete imbalance. I didn’t see friends, I cut off social events, I cut out date nights, I cut out birthdays and even the gym, and it paid off. I now have more money and more freedom because I don’t have to work in a job. Guess what? Now I have other goals that I want to achieve, and I’m doing exactly the same thing by having an imbalance. Even when I was writing my book, I ensured I wrote every single day for seven weeks straight, which again is an imbalance.

Look, I get it’s hard. I get your frustration, I get all you seem to be doing is working, but ask yourself why are you doing those things in the first place? By remembering why you are committing to working on your business and your entrepreneurial ideas will give you reassurance that you are doing the right thing, and that balance will come later in your life when you have achieved all you want to achieve.

The funny thing is, by having an imbalance now, working on your business will give you a greater balanced life in the future. Remember, great results come from imbalances, not great work-life balances. Decide what’s more important, a permanent mediocre balanced life, or a temporary unbalanced life that will provide you with remarkable results. Because if you choose the last one, I promise you it’ll be worth it in the end.

I hope this video served you well. If you like this video, hit the like button below, share it with your friends, and be sure to subscribe. Also, if you’re a serving or ex-police officer thinking about going into business one day, then go and take the police officer scorecard quiz to find out if becoming your own boss is something that you should consider, by clicking the link in the description. Thanks for watching, and see you next time.

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