When I started working for the police service I didn’t trust that the government wouldn’t change things in the future in relation to the pension and because of this, I decided to stop paying into it.
Instead, I used that money to build up my savings which went into my business.
Now I get it, you want the security for when you do retire so you have an income right? But are you willing to put up with 30+ years of working in the police service to get that end result? The stress, the injuries, the risk of life, the low salary, the lack of time spent with family and the high-pressure working environment?
Because for me the tradeoff of 30+ years of putting up with S**t, was not worth it and besides, I want all the wealth, health and freedom now. I don’t want to wait 30 years to achieve that when I am an older man in my 50’s! Police officers, sometimes feel trapped by the pension.
By changing my belief system and deciding to go against the normal advice given about paying into a pension, I decided to take advice from millionaire entrepreneurs. Who explained to me why I should build a business instead and invest in cash flow positive assets.
For example:
If the police pension is the only reason why you are staying in the police service despite your unhappiness, then you are trapped by it and I would encourage you to make the shift in your life to ensure you are happy. Even if there is a slight chance of getting something that will make you happy, you need to take a leap of faith in your own ability. Life is too short, and money will always replenish, time will not.
Too many police officers overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are. You can achieve a much higher income from your own efforts and ability through your own business, rather than waiting and counting down your own life clock before you can get your hands on a pension.
Shifts to Success can help you build your very own successful business which will accelerate the process of you achieving much more than what your current or future pension will ever give you. If you would like to find out more, then please click here.